CPUCores: Maximize Your FPS Free Download

CPUCores: Maximize Your FPS Free Download | Download here for free & safe!
About CPUCores

CPUCores gives your game max CPU power to allow you to reach max FPS. With CPUCores, you will be able to devote the CPU resources to your gaming to allow your game to meet the maximum FPS on your PC hardware possible. CPUCores does this by intelligently controlling certain OS features, non-game programs and dedicated resources to be used explicitly through your game

Use CPUCores at:

  • Isolate your operating system to it is a non-gaming CPU core
  • Isolate your non-gaming programs (web browser, music streaming, etc.) to share resources with your operating system limited processing core
  • Dedicated multiple processor cores to be used exclusively for games
  • Have the ability to eliminate potentially inefficient and poor performance CPU "hyperthreading" for a particular game
  • Make sure your video game has 100% of the processors, compared to standard operating system (often only 60% -90%),
  • ... Maximize your FPS!
Which PC hardware / game benefits most (Most FPS wins)?
There are 3 determining factors that come into play in terms of CPU-driven FPS in a game:

  • Your PC CPU Hardware: You need 2 cores? 4 cores? Or more?
  • Your specific game Threading: Does it only use 1 CPU? Or is it multi-threaded?
  • Your specific game as CPU or GPU hard: your game is very CPU heavy? Or GPU hard? Or both?

Isolate your operating system to it is a non-gaming CPU core
If you have a dual core (2 core) processor and a game that have 1 CPU (single thread) supported, then you'll probably see a nice advantage. This is because CPUCores give the game a dedicated CPU processor, just for yourself.

If you have a quad core (4 core) CPU and a game that have one or more threads (multi-threaded), the CPU is hard, then you will probably have a nice advantage. This advantage occurs as CPUCores will restrict OS and non-game processes and gives dedicated CPU access to your game. Note: The latest high-end quad-core CPUs can not get much of an advantage as they are known to be extremely fast on themselves, so much so that high-end games are at this point, Resources.

However, if your PC over 6 veins OC'd on over 9 GHz with 10 SSDs in Raid A (wesome) with quad GPUs then probably do not get so much benefit from CPUCORES. But by all means, go ahead You could say that CPUCores is best for low / medium / high, but not ultra high-end systems.

FPS Improvements:
The effects of how CPUCores help with FPS depends on essentially 2 things: # 1 your pc hardware, and # 2 the game itself. That being said, here are some benchmarks we recently obtained from testing on a dual core 2 core) medium-level PC system:
  • ARMA III = 17.5% increase FPS!
  • Team Fortress 2 - 58% FPS increase!
  • Tombraider - 6.3% FPS increase
  • Left 4 Dead 2 - 14% FPS increase\

System Requirements
  • Operating system: Windows 7 64 bit, Windows 8 64 bit, Windows 10 64 bit
  • Processor: Any dual core CPU or higher. Low / Medium / Medium-High 2/4 core CPU systems preferred.
  • Memory: 1GB of RAM
  • Additional notes: Not recommended for very high-end CPUs.

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